1/3/2025 0 Comments January 03rd, 2025Happy New Year! We may have seen the last of 2024, but there are lots of great activities and events coming in 2025.
1/03 - Tween Crafts and Games 1/31 - Mom2Mom Tea 1/07 - Winter Adult Book Club begins 1/28 - Winter Bowling begins 2/07 - Registration for Spring Classes opens 2/07 - Teen DDR 2/14 - Last day to register for spring Classes 2/14 - Valentine's Exchange Party 2/21 - Spring Classes begin Are you thinking of homeschooling? Or wishing you had more friends in your current homeschool? Ask about attending an event and see what we're all about!
10/30/2024 0 Comments Winter is coming...It's getting cold outside, but we're keeping our friendships warm with activities and get-togethers over the winter. Park days will continue weekly on Fridays (as the weather allows) until Thanksgiving. Here are some events and important dates coming up the next few months:
11/07 - Project Fair 11/16 - Teen Costume Party 12/05 - PJs and Pancakes tween event 12/?? - Family Christmas Party 12/17 - Mom's Movie Night - "It's a Wonderful Life" 01/03 - Tween Crafts and Games 01/07 - Winter Adult Book Club begins TBA - Mom2Mom, evening appetizers TBA - Mom2Mom Tea TBA - Winter Bowling 02/05 - Spring Class schedule goes out to members via email 02/07 - Teen DDR (tentatively) 02/06 - Priority class registration for teachers (NEW this semester!) 02/07 - Open registration for Spring Classes 02/14 - Last day to register for Spring Classes 02/14 - Valentine's Exchange Party 02/21 - Spring Classes begin 04/11 - Spring Classes end 8/23/2024 0 Comments Registration is now OPEN!Registration for the 2024-25 is now OPEN! Head over to the Membership page for links to the form and info on how to pay your dues.
One great way to pay your dues is to come to our Annual Fall Kick-off. Join us for dinner, meet our Board members, pay your dues (cash or check), and enjoy the company of some other homeschoolers. We'll provide the hot dogs and bottled water, sides/dessert are potluck. Anyone interested in PCHE, or even just interested in homeschooling, is welcome to join us. We'll be at Sunset Park in Lewiston, Sept. 6th, 5-8pm (dinner at 6pm). Still not sure if PCHE is right for your family? Check out our Member Handbook for more info about who we are, what we do, and what membership looks like. 8/12/2024 0 Comments Back to School!The PCHE Board of Directors met today to work on planning out our Fall events. We've got a fun, full season ahead of us!
If you're considering joining PCHE, or even just considering homeschooling, please make sure to come to our Annual Back to School Kick-Off! It will be held Friday, Sept 6th, 5-8pm at Sunset Park in Lewiston. Dinner will be served at 6pm. Meet PCHE members, ask questions, pay your dues in person (cash or check), and eat good food. There will be free hot dogs and potluck sides and desserts. Here are some of the important dates and events coming up this semester: Aug 23 - Member Registration opens (see the Membership page for more info) Sept 3 - Park days move to our school year schedule Sept 3 - Adult Book Club starts up Sept 6 - Annual Back to School Kick-off Sept 8 - Last day for Early Bird registration Sept 19 - Nez Perce Co. Fair Sept 16 - Co-op class registration opens (see the Classes page for more info) Sept 26 - Mom's Night Out! Sept 26 - Last day to register for Fall co-op classes Sept 28 - Teen Movie Night Oct 4 - Co-op classes start! Oct 24 - Mom's Night Out! Dinner at a local restaurant Oct ? - Pumpkin Hunt at Spring Valley Tree Farm Nov ? - Project Fair Nov 16 - Teen Costume Party Are you a PCHE Member? Is there an event you'd like to see on this list? The Board would love to help you organize it! Head over to the For Members section of the website for more info on how to plan an event. We would especially love to see more field trips and tween (8-12 years) events. 5/24/2024 0 Comments Summer DaysWe're about wrapped up for the school year! We had a great spring with co-op classes, Presentation and Project Night, a Mom-to-Mom brunch, Teen Formal Dinner, park days, and field trips.
Park days will continue through the summer so we can stay connected and enjoy the sun. If you're considering homeschooling or just want to see what PCHE is all about, we'd love to have you join us there! Shoot us an email and we'll get you connected. Member registration is now closed for the summer. Registration for the 2024-25 school year will open late-August. Send us an email or subscribe to Updates to get info about registration dates and details as they become available. 9/12/2023 0 Comments Class sign-ups start this week!It's that time again...co-op classes are coming! The schedule will be emailed to *current members only* this Friday, Sept 15. The form link to register will be sent out on Saturday. Class registration closes on Monday, Sept 25th to give our teachers time to prep.
Classes will run Sept 29-Nov 17, Friday mornings. That's 8 weeks of classes, one 2-hour day each week. Still haven't become a member? Or maybe you haven't gotten around to renewing your membership yet? We take new members all year long, and it's not too late to renew! Head over to the Membership page for more info on how to join. Other events coming up this quarter include: 09/19 - Open House Planning Meeting 09/21 - Nez Perce Fair field trip (free admission!) 09/21 - Adult Book Club starts up 10/03 - White Spring Ranch field trip 10/17 - Mom-to-Mom dinner out 10/20 - Teen Game Night New this year, members have access to the PCHE Google Calendar. It's kept up to date with events and deadlines. Check out the For Members page for the link to the calendar and other helpful info. 8/23/2023 0 Comments Registration and Kick-OffMember Registration for the 2023-24 school year is officially open!
Head over to the Membership page to find out how to register. Remember, even returning members need to fill out a registration form AND pay dues to join. Dues can be paid by mail or in-person at the Kick-Off (see below), or you can use your card to pay online in our Shop. Mark your calendars for the Annual Back-to-School Kick-off! Come enjoy dinner, fellowship, and fun! Meet the board and pay your dues in person (cash or check only). Anyone interested in joining PCHE is welcome to come! Friday, September 8th Sunset Park Pavilion, Lewiston 5:00 to 8:00, Dinner at 6:00 Hot Dogs and water provided, potluck sides. If your last name starts with A-L, bring a fruit or dessert. If it starts with M-Z, bring a side or vegetable. Bring sports equipment if you'd like, Sunset Park has disc golf, baseball, basketball, room for football. We will have some fun for the littles along with the playground. Can't wait to see you there! 7/11/2023 0 Comments Oh Walmart....![]() I just saw back-to-school supplies at WalMart! AHHHH!!!! Don't worry though, it's still summer here! We've got temps in the 90s and lots of time at the river before the school year begins. But if you are starting to plan for next school year, here are some important dates to put on your calendar: August 25th - Registration opens for the 2023-24 school year. During the months of July and early August we DO NOT accept new members. If you'd like to come to a park day and/or get email updates about upcoming events, shoot us an email with your contact info. Sept 8th - PCHE's Annual Fall Kick-off! Join us for hot dogs and fellowship, pay your dues, and meet other members. Open to anyone who wants to learn more about PCHE. Stay tuned for more details. Sept 9th - Last day for Early Bird registration! Dues go up to $40 after this. Mid-September - Registration opens for the Fall class session. The schedule will not be available online. It will go out via email the day before registration opens. Late September - Fall classes begin. For more info, check out the Classes page. 5/23/2023 0 Comments Sweet SummerPCHE's school year may be coming to a close, but we still have lots of fun in the summer! Every week we meet in a different park to play, socialize, and compare curriculum. If you're thinking of homeschooling, summer play dates are a great way to meet some real homeschoolers, ask questions, and learn more about PCHE. Contact us and we'll get you connected.
In addition to park days, there are a few other events on the calendar:
Ready to join us right now? It's only $10 for a summer of homeschooling fun for the whole family! Head over to the Membership page to fill out a registration form. If you'd rather wait until fall, registration for the 2023-24 school year will open in August. Stay tuned for more details. 3/28/2023 0 Comments Wrapping up the year...Spring has begun and we are in the home stretch of our school year! Baseball, flowers, and long trips to the park have just begun. We have a ton of fun activities planned to keep us busy while we eagerly await the start of summer: